May 4, 2023
Hiroshima University and Kewpie have Developed Eggs that do not Contain Specific Proteins that Cause Food Allergies

Hiroshima University and Kewpie utilized genome (complete genetic information) editing technology to alter genes. When heated, it has almost no allergens and may be eaten by people with egg allergies. The research will confirm whether it does not cause allergies to commercialize it.
A portion of the chicken genome was made to lose the gene for "ovomucoid," an allergen found in egg whites. The components of eggs laid by chickens produced by a genome-editing technology initially developed by Hiroshima University were analyzed to confirm that they do not contain ovomucoids.
There are several allergens to chicken eggs, of which only ovomucoid causes allergic reactions even when heated. To produce eggs that people with egg allergies could eat, it was necessary to remove the ovomucoid.
The most common food allergy in children is due to eggs. Most adults are allergic to crustaceans, but some suffer from eggs. In the future, it will also promote joint research with hospitals. It uses allergic patients' blood to ensure the eggs do not cause allergies. The ease of food processing is also examined.