November 22, 2023
Loading Computer Graphics Data with AI and Cutting Animation Production Time in Half

From the website of KaKa Creation
KaKa Creation Inc. (Tokyo), founded in June 2023, embarked on producing short animated films using artificial intelligence (AI). AI reads the computer graphics data and corrects the border between the character and the background to avoid abnormalities. It is expected to reduce work time by 50% compared to manual labor.It raised funds through a capital increase through third-party allotment with Full Commit Partners, a venture capital firm, as the underwriter for hiring engineers and other purposes.
As the first phase, a dance animation starring twins will be prepared and distributed on "TikTok," a video-sharing application. In the future, it envisions a series of short animated films that will be distributed regularly and become a single story.
KaKa Creation has completed approximately 160 million yen of funding and has started a high-quality AI animation production business that utilizes AI.