February 15, 2021
Taisei Corp. Contributes to Decarbonization
Taisei has developed technology to make concrete from CO2

Taisei’s manufacturing technology uses calcium carbonate with CO2 as a feedstock, so that up to 170kg of CO2 can be sealed into every cubic meter of concrete. The manufacturing process for cement, the raw material of concrete, involves large CO2 emissions, but if that is replaced by calcium carbonate production, it can turn around into a major CO2 reduction. If the use of this technology becomes widespread in emerging countries, which have high infrastructure demand, it has the potential to accelerate worldwide decarbonization.
Taisei says the amount of CO2 that can be sealed into concrete is roughly equal to the amount that can be buried in the ground or elsewhere by CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage).
Concrete used in construction produces 260-300kg of CO2 per cubic meter in its manufacturing process, and around 90% of that comes from the cement manufacturing process. Taisei Corp. has established technology that makes concrete from calcium carbonate that is synthesized from atmospheric CO2, rather than using cement.