Industrial Camera & Advanced Imaging EXPO
About the Show
Cameras are attracting a lot of attention in the autonomous vehicle industry, but this is just one example of the changing role of cameras in the modern world. Industrial and FA cameras, robot / IoT / networked cameras, nursing care and monitoring cameras, surveillance cameras, and other specialized cameras for measurement, research and biomedical applications are continually improving. At the same time, spectroscopic measurement technology has made remarkable progress through the development of light sources, spectrum analysis, and information processing technology
Exhibitor Category
Spectroscopic imaging related products, In-vehicle cameras, Industrial cameras, Robot cameras, IoT and network cameras, Nursing care cameras, Research / Bio and Medical cameras, Measurement cameras, Special cameras, Camera, video camera, camera system, Peripherals, Parts, Materials, battery, bracket (mounting base), cable, camera platform, capture board, case, CCD, CMOS, cover, data storage, divider, fisheye lens, HDD, housing, lens, liquid lens, memory, microscope camera adapter, monitor, optical fiber, power adapter, recorder, remote control, rotating table, SD, security camera Installation, software, switcher, transceiver, unit, USB, video recorder, video server, wide lens, zoom lens, other